
2018 marks not only Dickinson Gallery’s 25th anniversary, but also the 20th year Dickinson has participated in TEFAF Maastricht. Some of our most exceptional sales over the past two decades have taken place at TEFAF, with important works by Old master, Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary artists negotiated to both museums and private collections. In honour of the occasion, we look back at 20 landmark sales from 20 years at TEFAF.

Among the earliest works handled by Dickinson was a Tuscan gold ground panel depicting The Crucifixion, with Saints Mary and John the Evangelist from circa 1280, sold to the Fondation Cognac-Jay (2008).

The following year, Dickinson sold Bellini’s Madonna and Child to the Louvre Abu Dhabi (2009), which subsequently added Giordano’s Christ Driving the Moneylenders from the Temple (2013).

Dickinson was responsible for placing several works in the Rijksmuseum collection, including two by Jan Mostaert: Portrait of a Moor (2004) and The Discovery of America (2013).

In 2008, Dickinson negotiated the sale of Jan Steen’s The Sacrifice of Iphigenia to the Leiden Collection, and in 2011 Dickinson sold Jan de Bray’s David and the return of the Ark of the Covenant to the Kunsthalle Karlsruhe.

Other Old Masters went to important private collections, among them paintings by Memling (Portrait of a Man in a Black Cap, sold 2006); Poussin (The Baptism of Christ, sold 2010); and Batoni (Portrait of Wills Hill, The Earl of Hillsborough, later 1st Marquess of Downshire, (1718 – 93), sold 2005).

Dickinson has also achieved a number of important Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary sales at TEFAF Maastricht. Significant sales to museums include Bastien Lepage’s Au Tempe des Vendanges (sold to the Van Gogh Museum, 2016); Corinth’s Bacchanale (sold to the Hessisches Landesmuseum, Hannover, 2017); and Magritte’s Le Gout de L’Invisible (sold to the Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, 2014).

We have also organised a sale on behalf of the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, negotiating the purchase of Renoir’s Femme cueillant des Fleurs by a private collector (2011).

Other important TEFAF sales of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works to private collectors include Van Gogh’s L’Enfant a l’Orange (2008); Caillebotte’s Promeneur au Bord de la Mer (2010); and Degas’ Toilette Matinale (2009).

Among the modern masterpieces sold by Dickinson at TEFAF are Picasso’s Portrait de Mademoiselle CE (2016) and Richter’s Niagara Falls (2008).